Its worth a visit

A walk on Tanji Beach on the afternoon of 5th November 2015

10/11/2015 12:11

I  have never known it so hot here in November.The beach at Tanji is much changed with the shifting sands creating a much longer walk to the main Gull/Tern counting area.

The area around the fishing fleet was not as populous as on previouse visits but 14 Bar Tailed Godwits and 2 Turnstones where the first species to greet us.A single Osprey was patrolling the inner shore.

The afternoon sun was very intense but a quick count of the main area was as follows

C160 Lesser Black Backed Gulls,3 Kelp Gulls(adults) 142 Caspian Terns,52 Royal Terns,78 Common Terns.Waders where very thin on the ground and so a brisk return to cover from the sun was in order.

My friend Clive Barloww although used to the local climate had to be helped over the final few yards of the beach and he took a good horizontal rest for an hour or so once we reached the local bar(which was closed).

