Its worth a visit

19/11/2013 in the Gambia

08/12/2013 18:40

07:30 this morning in the compound.

Malachite Kingfisher on the washing line above the drinking tap.Also drinking on the ground around the drippin tap 5 Red Biled Firefinches,3 Red Cheeked Cordon -Bleu,West African Thrush,ans 5 Common Bulbul.. 2 Senegal Coucal are in the Orange Trees awaiting for their turn at the tap as also on the washing line 2 Laughing Doves and single Red Eyed Doves

3 Beautiful Sunbirds are in the Mango Trees 2 females and a very energetic male.Also a very noisy Yellow Crowned Gonolek and single Yellow Fronted Tinkerbird calling exitedly from the next compound..

A brief walk  from the Northerly end of the cimpound towards Lamin Lodge produced 2 Yellow Billed Kites,2 Green Wood Hoopoes,3 Northern Red Bishops( including 2 males).3 Specled Pigeons where on the Cous Cous plantation wall and 5 Yellow Fronted canaries were on the wires above the plantation.8 Grey Headed sparrows are in the plantation along with 14 Bronze Winged Mannikins and 2 Western Plantain Eaters are in display flight above the plantation.A single Grey Kestrel flew Southerle at 10:15,

Raptors are notas numerous today with only 22 Hooded Vultures counted over this part of Lamin with 11 Pied Crows for company.

