Its worth a visit

2 Cuckoos on local sewage works stalking breeding Reed Warblers.

24/06/2014 21:58

There was 2 Cuckoos on Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon in the area of the main Reed Warbler colony.There are some 10 breeding pairs of Reed Warblers on the works this year spread across 3 sites with the main colony housing 5 pairs of birds.

It has been so far an excellent year for breeding birds on my patch so far with most species showing much increase in fortunes over previouse years.

Sand martins are probably the most noticeable with an increase from around 8 pairs last year to around 40 pairs this year.Coots have also colonised the local sewage works with 8 pairs breeding in a small area so far producing 23 young and a pair of local Little Grebes has had 2 successful attempts even thugh on both occassions only one chick was produced.Swallows  and House Martins appear both to have increased locally and I even have House Martin(1 pair) and Swallow(3 pairs increased from a single pair last5 years) nesting at my home in Shaw cross at the moment.

One site localy i visited recently has Mandarin Duck alarming very aggressively on my approach indicating breeding activity nearby and on Dewsbury sewage works both Pied and Grey Wagtail have so far produced 1 brood and 3 broods of youngsters so far.

