Its worth a visit

2 New Species added to our photogallery

23/03/2011 07:58

Marrakissa allways seems to turn up something interesting on our frequent trips and todays excursion was no exception.

after a short walk around the edge of the birding camp area we came across a mixed feeding flock of variouse species.Predominately were Brown Babblers and and several Sunbirds including splendid Sunbird and of course Beautifull Sunbird.after scouring the trees above we immediately located the unmistakeable sight of a White Chested Cuckoo Shrike which was at first fairly distant and difficult to get in to the open.

However after several attempts with the call of Pearl spotted Owlette(2 of which came to join the Cuckoo Shrike)we eventually relocated the bird on a more open tree and was able to obtain some excellent shots of this very attractive bird.

Also in the same tree was Greater Honeyguide (female) and 3 African Golden Orioles 1 of which we were able to photograph.

At the birding lodge we were able to watch Lesser Honeyguide coming in to drink at the feeding station.

For the chance to see these pictures keep an eye on our website and photogallery in the next few days.

