Its worth a visit

2 Yellow Wagtails now on Sewage works

27/08/2014 18:20

There are 2 immature Yellow Wagtails now feeding on the filter beds  at the Eastern end of Dewsbury Sewage Works.Also on the same bed 9 Grey Wagtails and 42 Pied Wagtails.

3 Green Sandpipers are on the River Calder banks just below the willow Plantations on Mill Bank Thornhill asnd ducj numbers are again good in the area with 44 Mallard,22 Teal and 22 Tufted Ducks(19 Juveniles) again sheltering under the banks of the river calder just below the Willow Plantaions on Mill Bamk Thornhill.

There is a large female Sparrow Hawk in the valley at the moment attacking small birds stooping from a great height and diving into bushes around the area below Pildacre,Chickenley.This is a very pale gingery coloured bird and is easily located when it is circling around the Pildacre fields.

There are still 15 Common Snipe on Dewsbury Sewage works but small birds are becoming in short supply with just 5 Chiff Chaff and 1 Whitethroat remaining on Kerries Reserve Ossett.


