Its worth a visit

20/11/2013 A trip to Abuko Nature Reserve Gambia.

11/12/2013 09:28

The reserve was surprisingly busy with visitors this morning.

A Woodland Kingfisher was calling at the entrance to the Reserve.3 Palm Nut Vultures where circling above the main hide and a single Black Crowned Night Heron was in bushes on the oppositte bank of the main Lagoon.4 African Jacanas are feeding on the lagoon and a single Malachite Kingfisher is perched constantly on the bushes right of the main hide.4 Red Cheeked Cordon Bluer are feeding at the base of the stairs to the main hide.8 Black necked herons are in the tall trees to the right of the main hide and 4 Turacos 3 Green 1 Violet alight briefly in the trees directly in front of the hide.

On the walkway towards the area where the 2nd hide is situated 3 Western Bluebills are attending a drinking pool along with 4 Orange Cheeked Waxbills and a West African Thrush.Snowy Crowned Robin Chats seem to be everywhere and are all busy chasing each other in their courting rituals.A single Little Greenbul along with 2 Wattle Eye(one a young bird) are showing well as are 2 African Paradise Flycatchers 2 West African Thrushes are dinking at a small pond in the centre of the Reserve and 7 Fanta Sawwings are hawking around the area just before the Animal Sanctuary.A single Lizard Buzzard is perched overlooking the Animal sanctuary.38 Hooded Vultures are circling above the Reserve along with 15 Pied Crows and 7 Black Kites

A single Yellow Breasted Apallis is showing well just before the Sanctuary as are a further 2 Western Bluebills and a single Pigmy Kingfisher.Another Little Greenbull is present along with a further 3 Turacos which are responding to the guides call this time 1 Green Turaco and 2 Violet Turacos.3 more African Paradise Flycatchers are chasing one another around the central area and a single Grey Woodpecker is on a large tree in the same area.5 Yellow Crowned Gonoleks where recorded in different areas of the reserve.I was surprised at the amount of bird activity on the reserve this morning.

