Its worth a visit

21?11/2013 A trip to Tanji Beach to meet Clive Barlow

13/12/2013 16:49

Conditions rather grey and windy but rather lively birdwise.There appears to be a noticeable passage of Palm Swifts heading North at the rate of something like 20 a minute over the Tanji Bird Reserve.There are 4 Blue bellied rollers sat on wires above the Reserve together with a single Lizzard Buzzard and a single Grey Kestrel.2 Yellow crowned Gonoleks are in the bushes bordering the beach and can be seen chasing one another continousely.

On the main beach 28 Whimbrel take off and fly North.A single Green Sandpiper comes in from the direction of the road andlands on the lagoon and 2 Pied Kingfishers are on the wires overlooking the Resteraunt.

The main concentration of birds on the beach at first glance contains the following 3 Kelp Gulls,18 Lesser Crested terns,c280 Lesser Black Backed Gulls,At least 3 Aduoins Gulls at variouse points along the beach 1 in adult plumage and 2 immature birds.1 Western Reef Heron dark phase.A further 2 Aduoins Gulls fly in from a Southerly direction and are both ist year birds..

There are 4 Ospreys fishing off the beach and also there is a European Hobby sitting motionless in a bare tree overlooking the Resteraunt..4 Crested larks are displaying on the area between the lagoon and the beach and a lone Lanner Falcon is on the ground between the beach and the lagoon.

Caspian Terns number around 240 on the beach but are constantly on the move and difficult to assess.There is 4 Sanderlings on the beach and 8 Turnstones but only 1 Bar Tailed Godwit.Grey Headed and Slender Billed Gulls where well represented and difficult tocount being concentrated on the most popular parts of the beach.

