Its worth a visit

22/01/14 on my Local Patch

22/01/2014 16:20

A walk around dewsbury sewage Works this afternoon produced the fllowing.

39 Wigeon(unprecedented for this site).3 Shoveller(2 males)87 Teal,1 Gadwall,38 Mallard(the latter mostly on the calder around the Earlsheaton area.

There are 9 Goosanders on the Calder including 4 Males,4 Goldeneye and 4 Little Grebes(1 is near the Kerries Food factory,2 are on the river by the Sewage works and 1 is just beyond the new road bridge from Saville Town.

47 Common Snipe are on the central beds of the sewage works.There are 10 Reed Buntings on the Sewage works and along with 86 Pied Wagtails and 3 Grey Wagtails there are 8 Meadow Pipits feeding on the filter beds.

2 Sparrow Hawks and a single Kestrel where hunting on the sewage works.

In spite of mild conditions there was very few small birds about today but there is a single Chiff Chaff feeding on Kerries reserve.

There are 2 Song Thrush anvils on the reserve at Kerries which reflects  the healthy population of this species we are enjoying at the moment with sometimes 7 or 8 birds present.

