Its worth a visit

22nd Nov 2013 a trip to Bijol Island off the coast of Sennagambia

13/12/2013 17:16

These islands are reached by small boat from a beach in Tanji and one has to enter the water both embarking and arriving.

We are greeeted by large flocks of airborn birds as we arrive on the islands mainly Common and Caspian/Royal Terns mixes with good numbers of Lesser Black Backed Bulls.

We are surprised by the prescence of a single Pomarine Skua on the first Island.These birds are not usualy found on the ground in the gambia(see photo gallery).

Large numbers of Sandwhich Terns are present on the islands on this occassion some 1800 birds.We find at least 4 Kentish Plovers feeding amongst the Sanderling.

Here good numbers of Common terns on the ground totaling some 1600 birds with lesser numbers of Caspian Terns(on this count some 460 birds On the centre of the islands some 78 Little terns are huddled together.

5 Greenshank and7 Bar Tailed godwits are along the tideline and today we find some 7 Adouins Gulls with 4 Adults and 3 immatures(see photo gallery).

2 Oystercatcher are amongst rocks and after taking many phohotographs and much consultation it is probable that these birds where of a (Russian race).

10 Ospreys are perched on the 3rd more inaccessible island.

