Its worth a visit

2nd Brood of Goosanders spotted on Calder near Dewsbury centre

10/05/2017 21:10

A female Goosander with a brood of 12 small ducklings is on the River Calder around the Saville Town area of Dewsbury.2 Shellduck are still hanging around the Hotworks Mill area of Earlsheaton and do occassionaly show signs of courtship.

Around 270 Black Headed Gulls are on Dewsbury Sewage Works at the moment as are some 160 House Martins and around 120 Swallows.So far these numbers are nowhere near the totals had in previouse years.

The main Sand Martin colony at Healy Road Ossett has disapeared due to changes in the river bank but numbers are still ok further up the river towards Dewsbury with so far around 42 pairs occupying nesting holes at variouse areas.

Barn Owls are still being reported around the lower Pildacre area of Chickenley and there is a Little owl calling regular at the site of the old Dewsbury Gas Works on a regular basis.

Reed Warblers in this part of the Calder Valley are now almost at full strength with 11 singing males on the sewage works at Dewsbury and another pair nearby near the Kerries Food factory area.Still only one Sedge Warbler on the sewage works but at least 8 singing Whitethroats in the  Lower Pildacre area .

