Its worth a visit

3 Green Sandpipers on the River Calder

06/09/2015 20:06

At the moment there are 3 Green Sandpipers frequenting the River Calder just below Mill Bank ThornhillYou can write here..

Its getting a little late for wader migration in our part of the Calder valley but this species can now be observed in this area in most months of the year except around mid May when they ususaly depart for around 6 weeks to breed in their breeding grounds further North..Right now the River Calder is at a good level for these birds with plenty of stony borders in which they can find food.

A lot of our summer visitors have become fewer in number locally most noticeably Swallows and Martins which appear to be moving around feeding in small isolated parties.

The same can be said of our local Warblers which are much reduced now with around 8 Chiff Chaff and 4 Willow Warblers still on Dewsbury Sewage works alomg with 3 Reed Warblers.Iv had no sightings of Common Whitethroats for a few days now.

25 Teal are now on Dewsbury Sewage Works along with 28 Mallard and 2 Shoveller.

There appears to have been very few young Sand Martns reared at our local Colonies this year.The presence of numerous Mink appeared to have taken their toll this year and I think the absence of any proper control of Mink in this area is going to make life extremely difficult for a lot of our local breeding birds.

