Its worth a visit

9 Green Sandpipers on my local patch today must be a record

14/07/2014 20:37

There was 2 parties of Green Sandpipers on my local patch today.A party of 6 birds are frequenting the banks of the River Calder around the Hotworks mill area of Earlsheaton.a further 3 birds are on the central beds of Dewsbury sewage works bringing the total to 9.

Also on Dewsbury Sewage works today a second brood of 6 Tufted Duck ducklings.There are now 12 small ducklings of this species with one duckling apparently missing from the original brood of 7

Also on dewsbury Sewage works 9 Grey Wagtails (2 recently fledged families of 3 and 4 respectively,2 Oyster catcher and some 270 Corvids including some 220 Jackdaws and around 50 Carrion Crows also mainly young birds.

Around 190 Common Swifts where hawking around the filter beds of the Sewage works this afternoon.


