Its worth a visit

Abuko Nature Reserve Saturday afternoon (19/03/2011).

24/03/2011 13:56

3 fanta Sawwing were hunting over the rather shrinking main pond in front of the main observation hut.A superb Black crowned night Heron was fishing in full breeding attire in front of the main hide.2 African Pied hornbills came close to the observation hide for about 5 minutes but i got the im,mpression that the whole place was rather quiet.

2 velvet Turaco gave superb views just before the 2nd observation hide (which is currently out of commission).3 Wattle Eyes were noted also in the area just in front of the second hide.8 Palm Swift were hawking in the sky above and 2 West African Thrushes were scummaging in the front section of the 2nd hide.

We left the park somewhat disapointed and took the short walk across to the rice fields which proved a lot more productive.

A melodiouise warbler was skulking in a small bush on the first rice field and our concentration was only broken when a Beauty Snake was flushed from beneath the wall as we observed the warbler.

On the first field was single Green Sandpiper,2 Long tailed cormorant,3 Wattled Plover,4 Whimbrel,2 Common Sandpiper,a single Fine Spotted Woodpecker,12 Piak Piak.

The second field was no less produtive with 8 Long tailed Glossy Starlings,22 Buffalo Weavers and 3 Pied Kingfishers and 2 Senegal Coucals.

