Its worth a visit

After family Holiday its good to return and see hedgerows full of Winter Thrushes

27/11/2016 20:03

A family holiday in Scotland at this time of year is not everyones idea of bliss but nevertheless that is from where I have just returned.

Arrochar in Argyll and Bute is on part of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs national park and sits right of the Eastern end of Loch Long.

Allthough water fowl was in short supply there was birds of great interest in the area.Both Golden and White Tailed Eagles where present less than an hours drive from our rented house whilst on the Eastern end of Loch Long there was daily a feeding flock of some 200 birds mainly Chaffinch(some 140)but also good numbers of Siskin wherever there was alder trees,several Tree Creepers,several titmice including a few Coal Tits,Great Tits and Blue tits.There was a regular party of some 24 Long Tailed Tits.It was good to see several small flocks of Fieldfares coming off the mountains and landing on the Lochs perimiter.2 Dippers where feeding by the bridge at the Eastern end of Loch Long every morning(see photo album).Around 42 Hooded Crows where feeding on the Loch shore every morning.

Back home this morning it was nice to go for a short walk around the Pildacre area of Ossett.The hedgerows below Chickenley where full of Winter Thrushes with around 120 Redwings feeding just beyond the security gate near Kerries Foods factory.Also in the same area 8 Bullfinch including 3 superb male birds.

There is a single Chiff Chaff on Kerries reserve but generaly this area was quiet.All the feeders where empty so hopefully once we are back in buisness with the feeders bird numbers will increase.A Common Buzzard was circling over the Pidacre Fields at around 09:45.

