Its worth a visit

All quiet in the valley

08/10/2014 20:09

Its allways strange during the period thatSummer birds have departed and we await our Winter Visitors on our local patches.

Apart from 38 House Martins over Bretton Park lakes on Sundauy( 5th October ) no sightings of Hirrundines on my patch this week.

32 Linnets are feeding on Mugwort plants at the bottom of Pildacre fields Chickenley this morning and nearby sdome 24 Meadow Pipits and 64 Pied Wagtails are feeding on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works.Also there 4 Grey Wagtails arer on the filter beds next to the border fence near the compost heaps above Kerries Reserve.

Also near the Compost heaps 5 Chiff Chaffs still feeding around the metal fence together with 5 Reed Buntings,8 Chaffinch and 12 Goldfinch

All the Common Snipe now appear to have moved on from the area with no birds present on the sewage works today though there is still at least 3 Green Sandpipers in the area mostly found either on the river bank near Hotworks Mill or on the central beds of the Sewage Works.

Duck numbers are still reasonable in the valley  with 12 Shoveller,58 Mallard,68 Teal and 3 Mandarin Ducks all in the area below Earlsheaton.

A single Kestrel was hunting on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning

