Its worth a visit

Another Gambia trip to report

10/03/2015 09:13

During the next few weeks Bushtrackbirder will be in the Gambia again.This time concentrating on scouring beaches mainly for ringed Gulls and Waders both on the beach and also on Bijol Island just off Sennagambia.This Island being home to thousands of migrating Gulls,Waders and Terns.I hear just recently the numbers of birds there has been overwhelming and I am very much looking forwards to visiting the island.

Also it is hoped to try and get a brief study of the wintering Nightingale  population around Tanji bird reserve to try and get some idea of the number of birds wintering in the area.This will involve early morning(very early) starts whilest the birds are still active.This coupled hopefully with a trip to Tendaba etc will make for an exiting and enthralling trip.

