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Another Lesser Whitethroat with more Reed Warblers arriving

22/04/2016 19:10

Last year was a poor year for Lesser Whitethroat in this part of the Calder Valley with only one bird on my patch seen only on a couple of occassions.This Morning a second bird (as well as the first bird) was singing in the copse of Kerries Foods and it is hoped more will arrive soon.Also this morning 3 singing Common Whitethroats .2 of these are now on Dewsbury Sewage Works and another is around the compost compound at the bottom of the Pildacre fields.

Also on the nearby sewage works 3 singing Reed Warblers all in the large Phragmitese beds at the Hotworks end of the works.This is another improvement in numbers for this time last year.Once again it is hoped that more will arrive soon hopefully increasing on the 10 pairs breeding on the works last year.

There is 3 Oyster Catchers and a single Green Sandpiper frequenting the River Calder around the Earlsheaton stretch of the River.

Around 12 pairs of Sand Martins are excavating burrows in what was a new colony site last year and I understand 8 pairs of Sand Martins are using ready made burrows near the Asda Supermarket in Dewsbury.

The main colony at Ossett is not fully occupied yet but we will be surveying this site later in the week.

A pair of Redpolls are still nest building on my patch and today they where almost totaly gathering Willow poms for use in the nest construction.

There are 4 pairs of Bullfinches between Healy Road Ossett and Dewsbury and it must be a long time since the species was doing so well.There was 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers chasing each other over on Mill Bank Thornhill this morning as well as another 2 birds coming to feeders near Healy Road Ossett.

2 Lapwings are frequenting the fields around Saville Town at the moment.

Again there was 5 singing Willow Warblers on Kerries reserve and 4 singing Chiff Chaffs and 2 male Blackcaps are also present on the same sight.

24 Teal and 7 Gadwall are still present on Dewsbury Sewage Works but all the Shoveller Ducks have now departed.Also on that site 2 pairs of Little Grebes.

