Its worth a visit

Back on my local patch

27/11/2015 17:19

It was a shock coming home via Manchester to adverse very heavy rain and strong winds(making driving home an horrific experience particulary on the Manchester side of the Penines.

It was nice to be backon my local patch yesterday in spite of he limited light conditions etc.

Its good top se that Goldeneye ducks have returned to the River Calder near Saville Town Dewsbury with 9 birds including a stunning adult male located near the new access bridge to Yorkshire waters sewage works below Earlsheaton.

Also on the river 4 Goosanders(2 pairs) and 16 Mallard..18 Canada Geese appear to have made the southerly side of the riverbank their winter home as they have been there now for several weeks.

Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage works there is at the moment 184 Teal and 7 Shoveller mainly on the bed adjacent to Hotworks mill.Also there 4 Grey Herons and 2 calling Water Rails(one on the central beds and the other near the bed next to the metal boundary fence ).

A single Lapwing is frequenting the compost heaps within the sewage works boundary fence.

Nearby on Kerries Food Factory Reserve 4 Common Buzzards rose up at around 11:30 and where quickly mobbed by Jackdaws(see photogallery)

Also at Kerries the feeders are starting to attract more birds with single Willow Tit,5 Blue Tits,2 parties of Long Tailed Tits (11 and 18)6 Great Tits.6 Redpolls,8 Chaffinch,3 Bullfinch(1 male 2 females)8 Robins(plus 6 on Dewsbury Sewage Works).a single Great Spotted Woodpecker coming to fat balls,3 Reed Buntings4 Blackbirds and 2 Song Thrushes.A lone wintering Chiff Chaff also is frequenting the feeders as it associates itselself with the wandering titmice feeding flock that is constantly passing through the reserve.

There around 8 Meadow Pipits feeding on the compost heaps below Pildacre Chickenly and yesterday at 10:20 there was around 112 Pied Wagtails feeding on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage works.There was around 110 Pied Wagtails in the car park ofASDA Dewsbury yesterday at 09:00.

