Its worth a visit

Barn Owl becoming a familiar site again.

23/03/2016 13:03

A Barn Owl has been hunting this week on the premises of Kerries Food Factory at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.The bird was hunting for a time near the Group 4 security cabin around 7 in the evening and will undoubtably be the same bird which has been frequenting thefields beside the converted chapel on Healy Road.It is hoped that the bird fares better than the last twopreviousely sited birds in this area both of which ended up being found dead and obviousely in very poor condition due to lack of food.

Duck numbers are starting to decline now in this part of the valley due to the oncoming of Spring.Only 18 Shoveller where present on the sewage works at Dewsbury yesterday along with 24 Teal,and 7 Gadwall.The Gadwall where paired and in full display flight and these hopefully will stay in the area to breed.

A pair of Kingfishers where displaying on the Calder near Saville Town and also 2 Oyster catchers are frequenting the banks of the river in the same area and 5 Lapwings flew West over the river near Earlsheaton.

