Its worth a visit

Barn Owl chicks make their first appearence and first Green Sandpipers returns from theirbreeding grounds.

06/07/2017 06:30

A well grown Barn Owl chick made its first venture on to its nesting box ledge on Tuesday of this week.The Nest boxnear to dewsbury town centre was obviousely holding more chicks as the 2 parent birds where constantly sticking their heads into the box and uttering communication calls which where being returned immediately..

The first Green Sandpiper of the Autumn was flying around the lagoon just adjacent to Hotworks Mill Earlsheaton on Tuesday morning the 2nd of July.

Lapwings are allready starting to gather on Dewsbury Sewage Works with 26 birds(including one localy reared juvenile) also on the lagoon adjacent to Hotworks Mill.

Reed Warblers are at the oment feeding young with at least 11 individuals carrying food on different territories on Dewsbury Sewage Works as well as 1 pair also feeding young on the marshy areas of Kerries Foods copse.

Common Buzzards are not as numerous as last year with just a pair displaying over Ossett bypass on a regular basis and another pair showing regular around the Carr Gate area of the M1 motorway.

Pied Wagtails are beginning to increase on the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage works wih some 55 birds present on Tuesday 2nd July.

The large numbers of Giant Hogweeds along the banks of the river Calder below Pildacre are attracting good numbers of warblers at the moment with one small area holding around 30 feeding Chiff Chaff and some 8 Willow warblers as well asa up to 14 Long Tailed Tits.

A Red Kite was over Dewsbury Town Centre on Sunday afternoon for about 20 minutes before drifting off to the South

