Its worth a visit

Better news on local breeding birds

30/05/2012 19:23

It was good to find Oyster Catcher sat on eggs this morning at a local spot in the valley.The last time it attempted to breed 3 years ago it manged to rear 1 chick but over the last 2 years has fallen victim to foxes at the egg stage.

Also  there are now 3 singing Reed Warblers on Dewsbury Sewage Works as well as 2 pairs on Kerries reserve allready building nests.

Also  on Dewsbury Sewage Works a superb male Yellow Wagtail was feeding on the sprinkler beds with 3 juvenile Pied Wagtails.

5 pairs of Sedge Warblers are on the Sewage Works as well as 2 pairs on the reserve at Kerries foods.

There is still no sign of the Grasshopper warblers which bred last year in the valley.

There are still 2 male Banded Demoiselles on Kerries Reserve this morning(see photogallery).

