Its worth a visit

Busy day on the feeders with drop in daily temerature.Also our lonely willow Tit has found a mate at last.

20/02/2013 16:10

Feedes where busy on Kerries Reserve this morning.At least 9 Great Tits with 8 Blue Tits.3 Dunnocks along with 5 Reed Buntings,4 Chaffinch.A single Tree Creeper (see photo gallery) was feeding on the feeders home tree.5 Robins and 18 Long tailed Tits and 2 Willow Tits made up the numbers as well as 2 Great spotted Woodpeckers and 3 Chiff Chaff.

2 Oyster Catchers are on Dewsbury Sewage Works and a single Little Grebe and 2 Goosanders and a single Green Sandpiper are on the River calder at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.

