Its worth a visit

Buzzards showing well in the valley while Swallows continue to show in the evening as they move steadily Westwards.

06/10/2012 20:35

There was theree Common Buzzards over Millbank thornhill this morning.These first appeared around 09:45 hours with a single bird closely followed around 5 minutes later by 2 more.

There is still 3 Chiff chaff in the copse just above the Kerries Foods car park with a single bird still hanging around the border fence adjacent to the Sewage works.

Generally it has been very quiet for small birds in the valley today apart from 12 Lomg tailed Tits  and 10 Blue Tits on Kerries reseve .

At around 16:40 some parties of mainly Swallows arrived over Milbank Thornhill with firstly a party of 18 Swallows and 7 House Martins followed half an hour later by a party of some 62 Swallows all moving very slowly westwards.

There was 4 Jays and a single Great spotted Woodpecker in the copse at Kerries today but it was much quieter generally in the valley giving the impression that most of our Summer birds had departed and we now await the arrival of our Winter thrushes and finches which when the winds become more favourable are sure to arrive.

