Its worth a visit

Common Buzzards spreading their wings.

21/03/2020 10:22

Its amazing how Common Buzzards are turning up at places that a few years ago would have seemed impossible.

I was surprised to see 4 Buzzards circling over Batley Park on Thursday followed by another 2 flying high over Heckmonwike Town Centre being mobbed by around 15 Jackdaws.2 birds can be found sitting on fence posts on the Ossett bypass daily and there are birds soaring regulary over Durkar and Horbury Bridge at the moment.

Add to these 2 flying over Earlsheaton together with 4 over Thornhill Dewsbury the next day and the picture is very encouraging.

Whilst we await the forthcoming Spring migrants it is good to know our local birds are in some cases doing allright.There has been 3 pair of Kingfishers displaying between Dewsbury centre and Horbury junction much to the pleasure of some local people and I dont think iv seen as many Kestrels hunting localy for fome time.

Its good to find a flock of some 235 Golden Ploveres feeding in the fields adjacent to East Ardsley from Windsor Estate.Its a shame this area is earmarked for development at some later date.They are well away from their old feeding grounds near Owl Lane but it is good to see they are still Wintering around this area.

