Its worth a visit

Common Snipe and Duck numbers continue to increase in our part of the valley.

02/09/2014 06:52

Common Snipe numbers have virtualy doubled over the last 2 or 3 days in our part of the valley.32 Common Snipe where on a small sewage bed on Dewsbury sewage Works yesterday.

Likewise duck numbers have increased slightly from last week.

There are now 48 Mallard,28 Teal,4 Shoveller and 3 adult Tufted ducks on the Sewage Works and no sign of the 19 juvenile Tufted ducks that where frequenting the River Calder in the previouse weeks.

There are 8 Cormorants and 2 Mute Swans on the Calder etween Dewsbury Canal Basin and the Ossett part of Healy Road,

here are still 9 Chiff Chaffs around the copse in Kerries Margerine factory but otherwise it is very quiet for small birds.

