Its worth a visit

Common Snipe begin their build up in the valley

25/09/2013 19:25

There was 27 Common Snipe on a single small bed on Dewsbury Sewage works this morning.This is the first significant number for some time on this site and considering the amount of work going on nearby is amazing.also 52 Common Teal on the same bed with 4 Shoveller and 15 Mallard.

Also on this site 142 Starling on the wires above the offoice block.68 Pied Wagtails,4 Greywagtails and 3 Chiff Chaff

On kerries Reserve Osett.2 Chiff Chaff whist on the feeders 1 Great spotted Woodpecker.5 Blue tits,4 Great Tits,3 Goldfinch,2 Reed Buntings,4 Chaffinch,.2 Jay

3 Robins have arrived on the reserve and Water Rail was calling continuosely this morning

