Its worth a visit

Continuing expansion of Phragmitese on Dewsbury Sewage works is bringing with it an increase in the local population of Reed warblers

16/05/2013 17:46

Reed Warblers are continuing to increase from last year with this afternoon 5 singing males from the 2 main beds of Phragmitese at the Hotworks Mill end of the works. Also there are now 5 singing male Sedge warblers in the surrounding rough grass adjacent to the Phragmitese.

Elsewhere on Kerries Reserve near Healy Road Ossett there are no records yet of either Reed or Sedge Warblers.

Grasshopper Warblers are as yet absent from both sites but this afternoon 5 Oyster catchers were feeding in a field at the bottom oh Healy Road.At 16:10 hours these birds flew off to the West pausing occassionaly to break into display flight.3 Water Rails are again calling in the area with 2 birds calling on Dewsbury Sewage Works and 1 on Kerries Reserve.

Meanwhile slighly off our patch a Hobby has been reported chasing Sand Martins above the Yorkshire Mining Museum on Wednesday the 8th of May in the afternoon


