Its worth a visit

Cuckoo making regular flights into Reed Warbler colony and Tufted Duck breeding for first time at same site.

01/07/2014 06:58

A Cuckoo was making regular visits in to the Reed Warbler colony on Dewsbury Sewage works yesterday evening.This Cuckoo has been present on or around this site now for two  or three weeks so it must be assumed it has successfuly laid eggs in some of the 10 or more nests that will be at this site.

Also on a nearby lagoon a female Tufted Duck has 7 newly hatched chicks adding to what has been a very good breeding season on this site for many species.

Also on this site 78 Lapwings yesterday at the grassy central area of the works.This is the best number of this species for several months.Also now 2 Green Sandpipers on the works presumably back from their breeding grounds and hopefully sounding the begining of the late Summer wader passage.

Sand Martin numbers continue to increase and it is hoped our local colony at Ossett can stay Mink free until the youngsters have left their nesting holes.

