Its worth a visit

Ducks again increase in the Dewsbury area

15/03/2016 10:59

It has now become almost customary for Ducks to create interest at this time of year in my part of the valley.A walk along the river Calder this morning revealed yet another increase in duck numbers.

There are now 37 Shoveller on Dewsbury Sewage Works along with 9 Gadwall.Also around the Saville Town area of Dewsbury 20 Wigeon and 2 Goldeneye(male and female).

There is much courtship going on in the valley at the moment particulary amongst wildfowl.There are at least 4 displaying pairs of Canada Geese paired on the river around the Earlsheaton area and 4 pairs of Goosander on the Calder between Ossett and Dewsbury.

5 pairs of Coot have moved on to Dewsbury Sewage Works and are allready nestbuiding.3 Oyster Catchers are displaying on Dewsbury Sewage Works and a pair of Common Buzzards are displaying above Austingley Lane Thornhill on a daily basis.


