Its worth a visit

First full day in the Gambia 22/03/13

23/03/2013 15:00

Decided on a leisurely day around the compound after yesterdays torrid experience with the heat.

Early start(for me ) at around 07:45.

3 Lavender waxbills are feedind around a dripping tap nearby quickly joined by 4 Northern red Bishops in their unbreeding plumage.2 Plantain Eaters are calling noisily overhead and alight in the Mango tree in the centre of the compound A Yellow Crowned Gonolek is calling persistantly from a small bush nearby and soon flies overhead looking stunning.Raptors dont seem to become active till around 09:00 so I time my trip to the shop until then.5 Common Bulbulls are feasting on a discarded yam fruit from the night before and these are soon joined by 12 Black Rumped Firefinch(8 males).The first raptors are overhead at 08:55 with some 18 Hooded Vultures and `10 Black Kites circling high abobe.Even higher are 2 displaying Lizzard Buzzards their distintive tail patterns seen clearly from below

6 Spotted Doves are also circling along with 12 African Pied crows but it is soon becming very hot.

5 Bronze Winged Mannikins are feeding on the ground near the shop and a splendid male African Harrier Hawk is circling above the tiny shop being mobbed by 5 Pied crows

