Its worth a visit

First Redwings of the Autumn this morning in our part of the valley.Also strange numbers of lone Jays flying high to the South

10/10/2012 13:52

it is nice to be able to record 2 Redwings as the first two birds you see after getting out of your car on site easpecialy if they are your first records of he species this autumn.2 birds were going South high over the car calling at 09:10 this morning.A further 16 went south up to 12:00 hours.

In the copse at Keries foods Ossett this morning.18 Blackbirds,5 Song Thrushes.2 chiff chaff,1 Blackcap male,5 Reed buntings,24 Redpoll(from the North at 11:15 hours)32 Linnets,18 Goldfinch,10 G.reat tits,8 Blue Tits,9 Chaffinch,5 Bullfinch(2 males)2 Sparrow Hawk(including 1 brown individual) and a single Willow Tit.

9 single Jays flew South high in the sky at around every 20 minutes

19 Canada geese went West at 11:20 hours and a Common Buzzard went North at 11:20 hours.

2 Grey Lag geese went East at 10:44 hours

6 Common Buzzards were over Thornhill Edge at 12:20 hours(per JR Smithson.

