Its worth a visit

First singing Reed Warbler arrives back from its Wintering quarters in Africa.

12/04/2017 12:44

A Male singing Reed Warbler was present on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.It is hoped that the recent yearly increase in these birds numbers will continue this year one of the areas more positive bird i stories.Also on Kerries reserve Ossett this morning a skulking but alarming Common Whitethroat a bird also on the increase over the last few years.There are now 6 singing Willow Warblers on Kerries Reserve as well as 3 singing Chiff Chaff.

Nearby 9 Gadwall on Dewsbury Sewage Works alomg with 39 Teal and 18 Mallard and 11 Tufted ducks.No sign this morning oyesterdays Lesser Whitethroat below Pidacre.

