Its worth a visit

First Winter Thrushes fly in

05/10/2016 21:32

After one of the quietest September I can remember localy it was nice to see the first Winter Thrushes arrive this morning.

4 Redwings flew SE over Chickenley at 10:40 this morning calling in their distinctive manner as they flew.No doubt with the prescence of Easterly winds at the moment more are sure to appear soon.

I  started my Winter feeding programme this morning and was surprised to see 2 nut and 3 seed feeders emptied within the day.

Most Summer visitors are now departed to warmer climes with no sightings today in my area of Swallows or Martins and only a single Chiff Chaff calling along the reserve at Kerries Foods.

25 Teal and 10 Shoveller are now on Dewsbury Sewage Works with around 65 Pied Wagtails and 3 Grey Wagtails.5 Meadow Pipits where on the sprinkler beds in the Western end of the works.

A party of 25 Linnets are feeding at the entrance to the works at the compost heap end .

3 Little Grebes are on the Calder below Earlsheaton along with a single Green Sandpiper.

