Its worth a visit

Gadwall in courtship display on the Calder near Dewsbury. Who would have imagined this a few years ago,

05/04/2014 18:08

3 Gadwall where on the River calder a few Hundrerd Yards from the city centre this morning,2 males where trying their best to impress a single female for about 30 minutes before slowly drifting off Easterly down river.

Also this morning a single Curlew flew up over the Calder flying Westerly at about 09:40.Otherwise few signs of miranys.most of the Pied Wagtails have now gonre from Dewsbury Sewage works with only 6 remaining.

2 pairs of kingfishers  are holding and displaying in territory on the river Calder and look set to breed.Cormorants look intent on breeding in our area as a nest is being constructed at at least one suitable site and Oystercatchers are now in regular display flight in our part of the Calder Valley.

At least 3 pairs of Goosanders are in territory on the Cader with at keast 2 of these showing alarm when approached.

Single Green Sandpiper is on Dewsbury Sewage works as are a pair of Kestrels

There are still 62 Teal on Dewsbury Sewage works with 3 Shoveller (2 males 1 female) and 8 Tufted ducks.(4 pairs).

