Its worth a visit

Good numbers of Hirrundines attract a Hobby on to Dewsbury Sewage Works

09/05/2012 05:43

With winds coming from the South west yesterday good numbers of hirrundines were passing up the valley over Kerries reserve and on to the compost heaps and the filter beds were good numbers of insects were visible.These numbered some 800 Swallows and around 4/500 House Martins with a much smaller contributon of Sand Martins and Swifts say 150 of the former and some120 Swifts.

At 16:00 hours a Hobby came in from the east and began chasing these birds over the compost heaps.It stayed for about 45 minutes before disapearing to the West(see photo gallery).

Sedge Warblers are stil absent from our part of the valley but there are at least 2 singing Reed Warblers on the Sewage works at Dewsbury.

Whitethroats appear to be up to strength with 3 singing males on Kerries reserve and 5 singing males on Dewsbury Sewage works.There are still 2 Gadwall on the Sewage works in suitable breeding habitat.Gosanders are just down to a single pair and a Tawny Owl is showing well on Kerries Reserve hopefully just having hatched its young in one of our nest boxes

