Its worth a visit

Good numbers of Swifts and House Martins moving through the valley this morning

22/05/2013 11:25

Heavy cloud and generally overcast conditions this morning made it an ideal situation for Swift  movemenrts moving slowly but steadily in to a light to moderate North Westerly wind.Abouit 350 to 400 Swifts were hawking over the compost heaps around 08:45 this morning with around 45 House Martins and some 25 Swallows.

Swifts were steadily coming up the Calder at Dewsbury Sewage Works at the rate of around 250 per  hour and pausing only briefly over the comost heaps before moving off steadily westwards.Clouds began to get higher around 19:15 and birds gradualy thinned out but a second darkening of the skies around 19:40 saw a further increase in Swift numbers again flying almost at ground level and steadily moving out Westwards

