Its worth a visit

Green Sandpipers again showing well

17/08/2014 06:48

There are 5 Green Sandpipers on the River Calder between Dewsbury Centre and the iron footbridge at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.They are most regular just below the farm on Mill Bank where the river still has a narrow muddy fringe on the Thornhill side.

Also nearby 162 Crows on Dewsbury Sewage Works these consisting of some 120 Jackdaws and some 40 +

 Carrion Crows.Most of these are young birds with parents.Also on Dewsbury Sewage Works 144 Pied Wagtails,9 Grey Wagtails all of these (almost) immature birds with only around 25 birds being adults.

Allready Teal are starting to appear and increasr with 28 birds present yesterday along with 42 Mallard,15 Common Snipe,3 Little Grebes(2 adults and 1 juvenile).

28 Swallows and 1 Swift and 14 Sand Martins where over the sprinklers on the sewage works.Windy  and cool conditions meant a lot of small birds where keeping their heads down but some 25 Chiff Chaff and 8 Willow warblers and 3 Whitethroats where on Kerries Reserve this afternoon.

