Its worth a visit

Green Sandpipers on Dewsbury Sewage works

26/09/2013 19:53

There are 3 Green Sandpipers on Dewssbury Sewage Works this afternoon.2 birds are frequenting the sewage bed near Hotworks Mill and a single bird is around the circular storage tanks.The new 2 birds are behaving ery nervousely and are constantly alighting on different parts of the works

There was 124 Starlings on the wires below Earlsheaton but apart from 52 Teal the sewage Works was quiet.Only 15 Common Snipe were flushed on the works today.

Kerries feeders had 6 Chaffinch,2 Greenfinch,8 Blue Tits,6 Great Tits,3 Reed Buntings,3 Goldfinch,2 Robins,2 Dunnocks and 2 Jays.A Large female Sparrow Hawk was over Healy Road Ossett being mobbed by 3 Carrion Crows this afternoon.There was no records of any Hirrundines (Swallows or House and Sand martins today)

