Its worth a visit

House Martins again on local site in impressive numbers

19/05/2015 07:58

There are still around 700 House Martins feeding over the new compost heaps at the bottom of Pildacre fields.These are made even more impressive by some 350 Swallows,250 Sand Martins and around some 150 Swifts..Strangely enough many of the House Martins can be seen landing on the nearby seweage works to gather mud suggesting that most of these are local birds and are in the proccess of nest building.

9 Gadwall are still present on the sewage works at Dewsbury along with 4 Shoveller(1 male 3 females)87 Mallard(77 males 10 females)2 Teal and 18 Tufted Duck(9 pairs)Also on the sewage works 3 Lapwing,2 Common Snipe and 2 Oyster Catcher.

A Grey Wagtail is feeding 3 young on the wing and 2 pairs of Pied Wagtail have also been successful having 1 brood each recently fledged.There are now 7 singing Reed Warblers and 4 singing Sedge Warblers on the sewage works at Dewsbury along with 6 pair of Whitethroats.

