Its worth a visit

House Martins and Swallows on the move.

18/09/2018 11:25

Good numbers of Swallows and House Martins where moving very high and slowly Eastwards over Mill Bank Thornhill this morning.

Though I was only present in the area for an hour this morning I counted some 600 birds passing very slowly over theMill Bank Austingley Lane area Thornhill in the first half hour.A rough estimate concluded that some 60% of these where House Martins and 40% where Swallows.

A quick visit to my fat Ball feeders which i only filled yesterday with some 40 fat balls revealed that allready some 34 had allready been eaten and the remaining balls where very well half eaten.Looks like we are in for another busy Late Autumn feeding programme hopefully bringing a lot more much needed small birds to the area.

2 Common Buzzards where busy calling loudly above Dewsbury Town Centre this morning.

