Its worth a visit

Jack Snipe and Sedge warbler on the same day.(Must be a first)

10/09/2014 13:07

A Jack Snipe was flushed from a footpath on Dewsbury sewage works this morning.the bird which was silent took off and immediately dropped down on to the edge of a nearby lagoon.

28 Common Snipe where present on the works this morning.

Duck numbers continue to build up on the Sewage works with 52 Mallard,75 Teal,4 Shoveller and 4 Mandarins also on the works lagoons.

A single Green Sandpiper is on the banks of the River Calder just below mill bank asnd just below Hotworks Mill.

On the way out of the works i was alerted by the sighting of a rufously coloured small bird behaving like an acrocephalus warbler on the central beds of the works.Suspecting Sedge warbler i played back a singing bird on my i Pod and sure enough a Sedge Warbler appeared flying towards the source of the singing bird.

Also this morning 30 Lapwings on the banks of the Calder near Saville Town

3 Mistle Thrushes on the newly cut grass at Kerries food factory at the bottom of Healy Road Ossett

