Its worth a visit

Jack Snipe makes another appearance and Mandarin Ducks re-appear on the Calder

26/09/2014 20:36

A Jack Snipe was flushed from a footpath adjacent to Hotworks Mill today and flew a few yards to the central beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works.Also on the River Calder just below the new road bridge at Saville Town a pair of Mandarin Ducks(including a stunning Male bird) are on the River Calder spending much odf their time swimming amongst the numerouse dumped Shopping baskets etc.Also in the same place 18 Cormorants on the river today,14 Shoveller,3 Green Sandpipers and on the Sewage Works 28 Common Snipe.There is also some 56 mallard and 67 Teal on Dewsbury Sewage Works

