Its worth a visit

Juvenile water rail offers proof of breeding and a late Reed Warbler gets close after hearing a play back tape

12/09/2014 16:46

A very confiding juvenile Water Rail was out feeding on the Reed bed oppositte Hotworks Mill Earlsheaton and as suspected points to the breeding of this species on this site.The bird had a much shorter darker bill and there was still a lot of downy looking feathers on the breast as well as on the wing coverts.After it disapeared into the phragmitese bed at the centre of the sewage works it began to call back after a tape of the species calls was played.

On the central beds of Dewsbury Sewage works a sigle Reed Warbler was flicking around in smal willow trees and once again this species responded to a tape coming to within 6 feet of the loudspeaker.

There are still around 6 Chiff Chaffs on kerries Reserve Ossett and also 5 birds on Dewsbury Sewage Works but very little else in the way of small birds.All the wagtails have disapeared from the filter beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works apart from 2 Grey Wagtails

There are still 3 Little Grebes on the Sewage Works as well as 1 Green Sandpiper,28 Common Snipe,52 Mallard,75 Teal and 3 Shoveller.

