Its worth a visit

Lapwings continue to increase

30/06/2015 20:59

138 Lapwings are today present on Dewsbury Sewage works.This is a good threefold increase on records so far this year.Also there today single Green Sandpiper.

Usualy when Green Sandpipers return after their travels to their breeding grounds they are accompanied by a youngster or juvenile bird but so far we only have a single bird.

Nearby on Kerries reserve we appear to have a problem with grey squirrels as all our hidden bird food (2 plastic milk bottles)has been attacked and chewed to bits with the bottles almost half eaten.

These where susprnded about 5/6 feet off the ground it is almost impossible to put the blame on to any other suspect.Luckily our main reserves are kept indoors under lock and key.

The first young Mute Swans have hatched on Dewsbury Sewage Works  with 8 cygnets still present on the nest this afternoon.

A Kestrel is feeding a young bird on the wing in the hedgerow below Pildacre at the moment

There as so far been no sign of Cuckoo activity on the local Reed Warbler colonies but there was much noise from at least 1 pair of Water rails on the central beds of the Sewage Works this afternoon.

