Its worth a visit

Lapwings on the increase

30/07/2015 06:53

There are now 168-170 Lapwings on Dewsbury Sewage Works.The birds are flighty and are constantly moving to the fields across river to the rooftops of buildings on the Industrial estate.Still on the same site 10 Green Sandpipers with the party of 6 birds appearing to favour the muddy borders of the River Calder at the moment.No sign of the juvenile Goosanders that visited the works yesterday.

A Common Buzzard was soaring over Millbank Thornhill for 30 minutes yesterda afternoon and a female Sparrow Hawk was hunting around the Kerries Foods copse at 13:40.

Whitethroats appear to have done with breeding this year,There are at least 4 pairs feeding young on the wing on Kerries reserve Ossett and a further 4 pairs feeding young on Dewsbury Sewage works where there also appears to be 7 pair of Reed Warblers carrying food in to the Phragmitese beds.

No sign of the Common Snipe on the Sewage Works but a small Chalidris wader flushed from the main lower bed of the sewage works looking smaller than a Dunlin and with a short straight bill.It didnt call but it showed a distintive wing bar and though Im tempted to say Little Stint I coudnt be sure so I am hoping it re shows and is a bit more obliging

