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Latest from my Local Patch

16/09/2015 13:28

A Common Whitethroat was feeding on an elderberry bush on Dewsbury Sewage works today.There are also around 10 Chiff Chaffs on the same site.

2 Little Grebes have taken up residence on the River Calder oppositte the railway bridge on Mill Bank Thornhill and there in the same area  25 Teal flighting are feeding in the same arera.Other ducks as yet are thin on the ground with only about half a dozen Mallard around the same spot.

All the Common Snipe appear to have moved on away from the sewage works with none reported yesterday.

Nearby on our feeders on Kerries Reserve a female Great Spotted Woodpecker was feeding on fatballs along with single Male Bullfinch,5 Robins,4 Great Tits,5 Blue Tits.18 Long Tailed Tits where feeding on the much reduced Great Hogweeds on the banks of the River Calder below Pildacre Chickenley and a single Common Buzzard was circling above Earlsheaton at around 15:00 hours.

There is around 120 crows on Dewsbury Sewage works at the moment these consisting of around 75 Jackdaws with many young birds and the other 40 or so being Carrion Crows.

