Its worth a visit

Latest from my patch

08/08/2012 13:33

3 Green Sandpipers are on the Calder at Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning together with one Common Sandpiper.

Also on the Sewage Works 184 Lapwings at the bottom end of the central beds.

No sign of the House Martin movement after yesterday and no Swift sightings this morning.

There seems little sign of Willow Warblers and Chiff Chaffs building up on Kerries Reserve at the moment with only around 6 birds present this morning.Looks like the very wet Spring and Summer has had a devestating effect on the breeding success of these warblers

There is a flock of 68 Goldfinches on Dewsbury sewage works near Earlsheaton and a Little Owl was calling very agitatedly this morning from Mill Bank.There was also 3 singing Yellow Buntings on Millbank Thornhill this mornng.

Also there ar 3 full grown juvenile Goosanders on the river at healy mills.

Pied Wagtail numbers are well down on the sprinkler beds at Dewsbury Sewage Works with around 45 birds present this morning.

