Its worth a visit

Lesser Whitethroat arrives on local site

11/04/2017 19:23

A Lesser Whitethroat was singing its head off in the small quarry just below Pildacre Lane Chickenley this morning.This is the first time I have seen this species arrive earlier than its more familiar cousin the Common Whitethroat which as yet has not arrived on its local sitesSwallows where on the move this morning with a party of 75 birds dropping in around 09:30 just above the compost heaps near Dewsbury Sewage Works.These where followed by smaller parties moving slowly Westwards as the morning progressed.Around 32 Sand Martins are now prospecting the 2 smaller Sand Martin sites below Mill Bank Thornhill.

3 Willow Warblers are in full song on Kerries Foods plantation as well as 3 singing Chiff Chaffs.

2 Oyster Catchers are displaying regulary along the River Calder near Saville Town at the moment.3 pairs of Canada Geese have allready started nesting on the Calder around Saville Town but 2 nests have been attacked by Foxes with tell tale smashed eggs and Fox Droppings scattered around the nesting site.39 Teal are still residing on Dewsbury Sewage Works with around 18 Mallard and 4 pairs of Coot but no sign today of either Shovellers or Gadwall There has been no sightings yet of Little Grebes on last years breeding sites.

It was interesing this morning coming across some proffessional people searching for Great Crested Newts on the main lagoon on Dewsbury Sewage Works.I hope this is not a prelude to the lagoon being drained as the lagoon is home to some interesting breeding and wintering birds andthese environments are in steady decline as it is without more disapearing.

