Its worth a visit

Lesser Whitethroat,Cuckoo and Common Tern on my patch this morning.

20/05/2015 13:37


A Lesser Whitethroat was in full song on the riverbank just a few yards from the Kerries Foods security box Healy Road Ossett this morning.The bird with its distinctive song moved from small bush to small bush at around 11:35 this morning.

Also this morning a Cuckoo was hanging around the compost heaps (no doubt looking for grubs amongst the newly arrived compost mix).The bird eventually took off towards Pildacre Ossett.

A Common Tern was over the River Calder at 10:20 just oppositte the Hotworls Mill Earlsheaton.The bird stayed for about 15 minutes before being chased off by Black Headed gulls Eastwards.

hirrundine numbers a little reduced due to finer weather as follows

House martin c550,Swallow c180 and Sand martins around c120.

Swifts where passing Westerly all morning but numbers hard to judge.

Duck numbers as yesterday

