Its worth a visit

Lesser Whitethroat heard for the first time this year in exactly the same bush as last years first bird and our Reed Warblers are back also

21/04/2016 11:30

YoIt is good to have Lesser Whitethroat singing its head off in a clump of bushes just below Pildacre fields Chickenley this morning.Some how the rattling song is a nice contrast to the other more familiar songs of Willow Warblers  and Chiff Chaffs that at the moment seem to be singing in every copse.It was nice to find an adult Tawny Owl sitting very calmly despite being pestered by 2 very noisy alarming male Blackbirds just on the border of my local sewage works fence.(see photogallery).

On the sewage works itself 2 singing Reed Warblers..newly arrived but making their prescence known as they go up and down the Phragmitese stems in their breeding site.

Small numbers of Hirrundines(swallows and martins) where again passing in a westerly movement but only in very small numbers though one party of 12 House Martins was feeding around the filter beds of the sewage works..But as yet no Swifts or Cuckoo.

